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Showing posts from October, 2019

MVC CRUD using AJAX passing model data for POST-PUT-GET-Delete using Entity Framework

//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <auto-generated> //     This code was generated from a template. // //     Manual changes to this file may cause unexpected behavior in your application. //     Manual changes to this file will be overwritten if the code is regenerated. // </auto-generated> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace UserManagementWebApp.DataAccess {     using System;     using System.Collections.Generic;         public partial class Customer     {         public int CustId { get; set; }         public string Name { get; set; }         public string Address { get; set; }         public string City { get; set; }         public string State { get; s...

dot net interview questions for tech lead

Discuss the difference between constants and read-only variables. While constants and read-only variable share many similarities, there are some important differences: Constants are evaluated at compile time, while the read-only variables are evaluated at run time. Constants support only value-type variables (the only exception being strings), while read-only variables can hold reference-type variables. Constants should be used when the value is not changing during run time, and read-only variables are used mostly when their actual value is unknown before run time. Read-only variables can only be initialised at the time of declaration or in a constructor. Explain what LINQ is. LINQ is an acronym for Language Integrated Query, and was introduced with Visual Studio 2008. LINQ is a set of features that extends query capabilities to the .NET language syntax by adding sets of new standard query operators that allow data manipulation, regardless of the data source. Supported ...

Cascading Dropdown in Angular 7

Cascading Dropdown in Angular 7 And Web API Prerequisite Angular 7  Web API HTML/Bootstrap SQL Server Cascading DropDownList means a series of dependent DropDownLists where one DropDownList is dependent on another DropDownList. Child DropDownLists are populated based on the item selected in dropdownlist by a user. For example, loading all states in a country. There are three parts of this article. Create a SQL Server database with two tables, parent and child.  Create a Web API using ASP.NET Web API Project template Create an Angular 7  app Part 1. Create a Database For this article, I have created a database and two tables. If you already have data representing a parent-children form, you may skip this step. Step 1.  Open SQL Server Management Studio, connect to a server, and get ready to execute SQL.  Step 2. Create a database using the following query. create   Database  CaseCaddingDDL  ...