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Showing posts with the label Angular 7

Cascading Dropdown in Angular 7

Cascading Dropdown in Angular 7 And Web API Prerequisite Angular 7  Web API HTML/Bootstrap SQL Server Cascading DropDownList means a series of dependent DropDownLists where one DropDownList is dependent on another DropDownList. Child DropDownLists are populated based on the item selected in dropdownlist by a user. For example, loading all states in a country. There are three parts of this article. Create a SQL Server database with two tables, parent and child.  Create a Web API using ASP.NET Web API Project template Create an Angular 7  app Part 1. Create a Database For this article, I have created a database and two tables. If you already have data representing a parent-children form, you may skip this step. Step 1.  Open SQL Server Management Studio, connect to a server, and get ready to execute SQL.  Step 2. Create a database using the following query. create   Database  CaseCaddingDDL  ...