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.NET Interview Preparation for Experienced Candidate

.NET Real Time Interview Questionnaire  for Experienced Candidate
  1. Architecture Level Questions
  2. 1.       SOLID Principles
  3. 2.       Dependency Injection
  4. 3.       Design Patterns
  5. 4.       SingleTon Patterns
  6. 5.       Factory Patterns
  7. 6.       Repository Patterns
  8. 7.       Bidge Patterns
  9. 8.       Strategy Patterns
  10. 9.       Software Methodology ( Agile)
  11. 10.   Realtime Project
  12. 11.   Security ( Authentication & Authorisation)
  13. 12.   Lazy Loading
  14. 13.   Caching
  15. 14.   Performance Tuning
  16. 15.   Loosely coupling
  17. 16.   Logger
  18. 17.   IIS Deployment
  20. C# Basic & Advanced
  21. 18.   Garbage collector and versions
  22. 19.   Value type vs Ref Type
  23. 20.   Dispose
  24. 21.   Using
  25. 22.   Exception Handling
  26. 23.   Delegates Func/Action/Predicate
  27. 24.   OOPs
  28. 25.   Lambda Expression
  29. 26.   LINQ
  30. 27.   IEnumerable vs IQuerable
  31. 28.   Is vs AS
  32. 29.   Ref vs Out
  33. 30.   enum
  34. 31.   constructor types
  35. 32.   Extension methods
  36. 33.   Generic collections
  37. 34.   Hashtable
  38. 35.   Reflection
  39. 36.   Left join in LINQ with Aggrigate functions
  40. 37.   shadowing
  41. 38.   convert.tostring vs .ToString()
  42. 39.   String vs StringBuilder
  43. 40.   Tupple
  44. 41.   Yield
  45. 42.   Array vs Array List
  46. 43.   Substring
  47. 44.   Static vs Constant vs Readonly
  49. MVC
  50. 45.   Life cycle
  51. 46.   ViewBag vs ViewData vs TempData
  52. 47.   Action Filters
  53. 48.   HTML Helpers
  54. 49.   Return Types
  55. 50.   Partial view
  56. 51.   Custom controls
  57. 52.   Routing
  58. 53.   App-start / Gobal.asax  etc...
  59. 54.   IIS hosting
  60. 55.   ASP vs MVC
  61. 56.   How to consume WebAPI through controller
  62. 57.   How to consume WebAPI through Ajax
  63. 58.   bundling and minification
  64. 59.   model binder
  65. 60.   Antiforgery token
  66. 61.   Allow Anonymous
  67. 62.   @html.renderAction() , @html.Action()
  68. 63.   MVC call for API Action 
  69. 64.   Ajax call for API Action 
  70. 65.   TextBox vs TextBox for
  72. WebAPI
  73. 66.   Rest full services
  74. 67.   HTTP
  75. 68.   GEt/post/pu/delete
  76. SQL
  77. 69.   RDBMS & SQL Commands
  78. 70.   Delete vs Truncate
  79. 71.   Commit & Rollback
  80. 72.   Constraints
  81. 73.   Indexes
  82. 74.   Joins
  83. 75.   Cursor
  84. 76.   Procedure
  85. 77.   Function
  86. 78.   View
  87. 79.   Trigger
  88. 80.   SubQueris
  89. 81.   Normal Forms
  90. 82.   rownum vs Rank vs DensRank
  91. 83.   Having
  92. 84.   Temp Table and table variable
  93. 85.   How to replace a null value in row
  94. JQuery & JavaScript
  95. 86.   Selectors
  96. 87.   read/ assign value
  97. 88.   Apply styles using jquery
  98. 89.   Array
  99. 90.   Let vs Var
  100. Programs
  101. 91.   swapping two numbers
  102. 92.   string reverse with out function
  103. 93.   Palindrome
  104. 94.   Factorial
  105. 95.   Finding a character/ word in a sentence
  106. 96.   Stars printing


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